Class Descriptions

Aqua Aerobics

Join us at the Aquatics Center pool and experience the low-impact, resistance and movement of water to uniquely emphasize core strengthening, muscle toning and cardio.

Non-swimmers are welcome.

Active Recovery & Agility

Emphasizing mobility and joint health through resistance bands and body weight exercises facilitating recovery from higher intensity workouts or for those seeking a gentle yet effective workout.

BarreSOL® ($)

Founded in resistance training, Pilates, Yoga, and ballet; BarreSOL® mindfully seeks to transform your body and elevate your mood through sequences of dynamic isometric movements.


Our CrossFit inspired workout. High intensity, functional training incorporating weightlifting, gymnastics, kettlebells and plyometric techniques with traditional cardio movements.


30-minute abdominal and core focused session.

Ease Into Fitness

Emphasis on exercises supporting daily-life activities such as walking up steps, core strengthening for reaching or twisting and balance.


A 30-minute full-body stretching program.

Pilates/Ta’i Chi

The best of both worlds! Begin with a Ta’i Chi inspired warm up followed by floor Pilates. Active stretching and balance movements flow together encouraging core strength and flexibility.


Indoor endurance cycling class where riders experience a high-energy and fun workout.


Experience traditional step choreography paired with lively music for a fun, fast paced workout.


Guided by a CCC personal trainer, this class is split into a lower body and upper body focused session which includes use of free-weights, kettlebells, and weight-machines to increase strength and build muscle.


Experience the many benefits of Yoga through breathwork and organized postures to reduce stress while promoting relaxation, strength and an overall sense of wellbeing.


Dance inspired aerobic movement combing traditional jazz dance and Zumba elements with upbeat modern music. Sure to leave you recharged for the day ahead!

Cardio HIIT

High-Intensity-Interval-Training session alternating bursts of cardio exercises combined with brief recovery periods. Cardio HIIT is intended to maintain a heart rate target of 50% -60%.


High-Intensity-Interval-Training session involving repeated quick bursts of exercises at maximum or near maximal effort paired with brief recovery between intervals. Intended to maintain a heart rate target of 80% or more.